To all Law Enforcement Police, Military Police, or those helping them.  as I understand you feel you are doing the right thing, I as well know that your whole schooling has been an Indoctrination, Your oath is unto Our Constitution first and foremost. Every War fought against its government, was fought by  the PEOPLE against their own Children, Fathers and Mothers, Brothers and Sisters, (Against their own familys in the Police forces and Military forces.) WHY? Because the Children were INDOCTRINATED into the FIGHT from a Young age, Right in front of their parents, sending them to a public school system that taught them that their parents were wrong.
 WHERE THE HELL ARE WE TODAY? Right at the door to WAR, BRAINWASHED children are now parents of their own.  He who trusts the government is a fool. If you have not figured out that we are owned, you have no worthwhile education, if you like your enslavement, You have no value to humanity or our Creator. HE GAVE TO EACH ONE OF US Inalienable Rights, These are rights Given By GOD, that No One can take away,
That is The Freedom of Our Religion,
(Islam is not a religion, it is an indoctrination to murder those who refuse to be indoctrinated or wish to leave their indoctrination. No Religion kills non-followers or fallen followers as this ends their ability to call themselves a religion.)
 The Freedom of Speech, The Freedom to print Your words. Called the Press! Now the press is all propaganda, most believe the BS and that is the problem here. Not that is not to be free, but to be bought and published lies and pure BS that the people believe is fact. THAT IS AN ATROCITY!
 The Freedom to Assemble, This was Fractured in 2011-12 during the Occupy Movement when laws were made that makes it against the law to partition or gather on Government property when there is a representative within so many feet. IT IS THESE VERY REPRESENTATIVES WE ARE PETITIONING AGAINST, THAT HAVE IGNORED THE DECAY OF OUR CONSTITUTION AND OUR RIGHTS THAT HAVE FALLEN INTO thee Abbis.
 THIS: The Right to Complain against our Government has fallen on deaf ears even the very ears we just put into office
because they were bought and paid for when you saw their sign. WHO MADE THE SIGNS?
 The Very right to bear Arms, SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED, yet Democrats and Republicans attack this every time they can in every way imaginable, to restrict our ability to defend ourselves against THE VERY TYRANNY they project AGAINST US. Those in our government authorizing the poisons in our food, water, medications, vaccinations, and through Stratospheric Aerosol Injection of our skies, being the very AIR WE BREATHE! IT”S THEIR DEPOPULATION AGENDA, IT”S MURDER; and please if you agree with this agenda, I take it you agree to suicide, and this planet would be grateful if you took your philosophy and did yourself in, as you have no right to think anyone does not have GOD GIVEN RIGHTS. Less those who have committed Hannious Crimes, that deserve death, not a lifetime living in a cell.
 The Right to a speedy public trial is only if you know the law, or have a lawyer on retainer, as it’s the first time you see a Judge you need this to be understood by the Judge, THAT YOU WANT A SPEEDY TRIAL; or you’re shit out of luck. (Now Know Why They Don’t Teach You The Laws In School?) Yet you’ll learn how to be gay or Islamic in school, two opposites of the same side of a coin. as the coin is not right side up. Yet in school, they will not teach you how to be a man or woman!
 The Right to Bail, ( That should not be Imposable to obtain when just minor offenses.)
 The Right to an Impartial Jury: This is nearly imposable today with the information our government has on us all, as well as the fact of those who will not participate, who are the most logical headed, as they believe in their Bible. Yet they do not understand we are to hold people accountable for their actions, AS WELL AS ALL THOSE WHO PUSH THE ACTIONS INTO THE COURTS, INCLUDING THE POLICE, AND ALL GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS. THEY SHOULD BE HELD MORE ACCOUNTABLE THEN THE MAINSTREAM PUBLIC.
 THE RIGHT TO BE INFORMED OF THE CRIME YOU ARE ACCUSED OF. ANOTHER REASON YOU DO NOT KNOW THE LAWS, FROM SCHOOL. THERE ARE SO DAMN MANY LAWS, NO COP KNOWS THEM AND GOES TO HIS CAR TO LOOK THEM UP. I have had a cop come to my door two hours after, to hand a traffic violation of driving without a license to my wife, I asked him what proof he had she was driving? NONE! Yet the Judge fined her. The Cop did not stop her on the road, to have evidence she was ever on the road & Yet [ This is a crime without a victim. Un-Constitutional.]
 The right to be confronted with the witnesses against you. With so many crimes that have no victim, how can the police or government be the witnesses against you? [It’s Un-Constitutional!]
 The right to be able to call witnesses in your favor, this takes a lawyer as defending yourself, they have so many tricks up their SICK sleeves as our justice system is not only broken, it’s become a den of thieves and a lawless enterprise.
 The right to have a lawyer, Note who their allegiance is to? It’s the Bar, The Queen of England and the laws of the sea, NOT THE LAND OF THE U.S.A. [That was abolished in 1871.]
 I retained a lawyer, he told me the amount, I paid him in full, the first day of court he said he needed more, I sent it to him, the next day in court he told me he could not represent me. My Money-GONE! Both court hearings were less than 5 min as we never made it to trial, that takes about the 8th time you see the Judge.  I was played, yet won the biggest part of my cases with an appointed lawyer, I got time served which took 8 months before it got to the Judge. ( Yes I did ask for a speedy trial from the start, the first lawyer never made the motion.)
 The right not to be forced to have any soldiers live in your home. If the UN gets in, this is out the window.
 The right to not have unreasonable searches and seizures. This went out the window with the traffic cop, everyone is now under suspicion, and they come back and say “What do you have to hide?”  I say Go To Hell PIG, as you are the one who swore an oath to uphold our Constitution, yet  [ YOU ARE THE VERY PEOPLE WHO VIOLATE IT EVERY MINNET OF EVERY DAY! IT IS NOT THAT I HAVE ANYTHING TO HIDE, I HAVE SOMETHING I WANT TO KEEP, YOU JUST CAN’T UNDERSTAND HOW IMPORTANT IT IS TO HAVE, MAKING YOU THE FOOL HERE AND AN IGNORANT ONE AT THAT, AS YOU WENT THROUGH TRAINING, OR ADMIT IT, IT WAS INDOCTRINATION AND YOU HAVE NO DAMN CLUE AS TO WHAT IS IN OUR CONSTITUTION YOU ARE TO DEFEND!!!
The right not to be tried twice for the same crime. I think we saw this happen with a case with Paul Maniford. Trumps X Lawyer.  It shows how low our Justice system has gotten.
 The right not to be a witness against one’s self. Look at the play they pulled on Gren. Flynn?
 The right to not have private property taken away ” Without due process of the LAW. This is happening all over the country, where police make a traffic stop and find you going to the bank, or somewhere to make a large payment, and they confiscate your money, and or property, making false accusations that take the money you no longer have to prove you are innocent.
 The right not to have your property taken without just compensation. Look to the  west, where Eminent Domain seems to run rapid with the Government, BLM and the Parks Services
 Another law out the window.
 Excessive Fines, This IS WHAT HAS impeded the progress of those who have come in contact with our courts. Look at The Obama Care act, if you could not afford his SICK care, you would be fined, some $2.000.00 Dollars. Like that just comes out our ass! This country was so damn gullible to vote that man in twice, I lost it the second time around, If we were not robbed, boy there should be a whole lot of people feeling had. Yet You all vote in the same shit again and again, even worse shit as now we have more and more Muslims trying to push their laws on our COUNTRY!
 BS, over our dead body!
The right to not be punished cruelly or unusual. Yet they let Sharia Law in?
The fact that most lawyers work at the same court building and get to know the police and jail people, they are the most likely to keep the shit under wraps, as there is some serious shit going on in jails and prisons. They just bury their problems, if not out back, it’s off to another cell in a nowhere place, where no one knows you’re there.
 The fact is, you enforce laws that are strictly against our Rights, and feel justified doing it, that is what pisses me off the most, as GOD will wipe your sorry ass out, I just wish it was never here messing up more small minds, that will  never have a clue that they have any rights what so ever or to know that we had them. It’s the people like police and government officials that did not think they were given by GOD; that makes who the devils minion? [Police and Military] Read your Bible, The only Army Loved by GOD did what GOD told them! If The Love of your Mother, Father, Brother, sister, is not your neighbor, your love is for the enemy and you know nothing about CHRIST or HIS LOVE FOR US ALL. Love is Not PERSECUTION or looking for fault, I can find fault in just the way you look at me.

An IDIOT, Says Nothing, When THEY Are Being MURDERD

To say this is not POISON, MAKES YOU A FOOL!

To think your government would not KILL YOU, MAKES YOU A FOOL!

To think the POLICE would do something, MAKES YOU A FOOL!

To think your representatives did not  vote on this, MAKES YOU A FOOL!

To think the CDC or FDA gives a rats ass, MAKES YOU A FOOL!

To think anyone in our Government gives a F about This, MAKES YOU A FOOL!

464 Representatives were given all the information about Geoengineering [Stratospheric Aerosol Injection of our skies.] IN 2014.



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